Summary “Ghost in the Machine”
An artistic investigation of the human interrelationship with AI and robotics, proposing possible scenarios through the creation of a fictional archaeological exhibition, set in the distant future.
Departing from in-depth research about traditions, cosmology and rites from cultures worldwide, philosophical questionings of A.I., machine learning, robotics, and data-driven technologies, I propose digital artefacts and rituals for an imagined future where humans and robots share society and beliefs.
Performative Project – Fake and fun. Fictitious talks with experts of the future
In this project, my intention is to experiment with the format of performative lectures.
The “staging” consists of fictitious talks with certain (supposed) experts in different disciplines. Philosophers, anthropologists, economists, computer technicians…
These talks will be based on interviews with (real) experts, to understand how our society is structured and where new technologies based on data, robotics, etc. can take us, and then transform all their information into a fictitious summary of what humanity is, in the eyes of the non-organic beings of the future. Humorously and with criticism, they question our existence.
A lecture by several experts (in voice-over format and probably accompanied by projections, holograms and other formats of futuristic beings).
This performative lecture will be supported by multiple scenic techniques. Lighting, smoke and other special effects, video projections of fake documentaries and motion graphics, absurd statistics and weird infographics, voice-overs, audio… to share their knowledge about humanity and develop a distorted robotic image, from the point of view of mechanical beings.
The speakers will critically confront the way we use and abuse technology, traditions and beliefs; how we allow ourselves to be abused with respect to our data; how we use rituals to feel part of something, of certain social structures; our behaviors as consumers from an anthropocentric perspective. All this is explained from the perspective of non-human experts from different disciplines.
Nothing from August 31, 2024 to August 31, 2025.